Monday, June 17, 2013

6/17/13 from Elder Mitts

This week has gone amazing. we are finding like we never have before, 4 new investigators just this week! we are really excited for all of the success the Lord is blessing us with. There is a lot to do, and we are flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon. we are doing tours of the chapel with the community starting next week and we are really seeing excitement from the ward for that, everyone we have talked to has committed to bringing someone with them. The Lord has blessed with an awesome companion, and some awesome sisters who are working in the same ward. There is gonna be some conversion happening, BAPTISMS!!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

6/10/13 from Elder Mitts

It has been an amazing week! Got my new companion, Elder Morgan, who is from Georgia, fresh Greens straight from the MTC! He has got to be one of the most humble guys I have every has the privilege of coming into contact with. he is going to be such a powerful missionary when I am done with him. Muahahahahahahaha! no but seriously he is great. He is so ready to learn and is void of pride in the work. We are so excited because we are also working with sisters. They are an inspiration, they are extremely hard working and exceptionally caring. They are so much fun to work with, and we get to keep them all to our district. the rest of the zone doesn't have any sisters yet, but they probably will get some next transfer.

My faith has been tested this week, and my capacity has grown. I just finished my own training last week, and now I am responsible for training my new companion, being the model area in my district, and helping all of the companionships in my area improve their efforts, so I went from basically taking care of myself, to having responsibility over my companionship and 2 others, who are both training as well. It can be a little overwhelming at times, but so far so good, and I know the Lord is helping me. I am so excited to go through this training program again with a new Elder. I feel like I am still learning it.

We have a new zone leader as well, an Elder Bottorf. He is a really cool guy, very solid in his knowledge and testimony of the gospel. I lead the District meetings and he was there for this weeks, practicing with Elder Morgan while I was giving advice to all the groups. super cool to see all of the elders and sisters work.

I have a feeling we are going to have a baptism soon. I dont know where it is coming from but hey, FAITH!

I Love you all so much and appreciate all the prayers and everything else you do for me.

Elder Mitts

4/30/13 from Elder Mitts

[Sorry this one is out of order - but it is great to read his testimony]
It is a weird feeling that I have been experiencing this last week,with Elder Lieberum getting ready to go home He will be gone Monday, and I will be getting someone new. I will find out tonight whether or not I will be training, I honestly hope I am, I'm ready to whip some 18 year old into shape! :)

We talked about the Book of Mormon in our training this morning. It has all the answers. It's not even fair for us to not share it with those around us. The sons of Mosiah agreed and they were "desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they coud not bear that any human soul should parish." (Mosiah 28:3) What was it that made them feel this way? It was that same thing that converted the people they taught. (Alma 26:31), "We can witnesss of their sincerity," there true conversion, "because of their LOVE towards their brethren and also towards us."

To become truly converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to follow those 2 great commandments, Love God, and Love they Neighbor. I know this is true. Thanks so much for being awesome parents.
Elder Mitts

5/28/13 from Elder Lieberum

Dear Mitts Family,
My name is Elder Lieberum and I am your son's Trainer. I just wanted to let you know how awesome he is and what a great missionary he has become. We have had moderate success in finding people to teach but he hasn't given up. He has great faith and I know he will be a successful missionary through out his mission. His testimony is powerful and the spirit is his real companion. He has great love for our investigators and has helped them to progress toowards gaining a testimony. He is my final companion due to my mission ending on June 4th, when I fly home. I am 25 years old and I don't believe it was by chance that we were made companions. I remember when I entered the mission field at the age of 23. So I can relate to Elder Mitts and it really helped us develope our friendship. He is such a great friend and I look forward to getting in contact with him when he completes his mission. My misison has changed my life and I know the gospel is true. I have had many experiences through out my mission and have grown to know that this church is Christ's true church. Your son is amazing and I could not have ask for a better companion to finish my mission with. I just wanted to say thank you for helping Elder Mitts to prepare to serve. He the best prepared new missionary I have trained. I have trained 2 other Elders prior to Elder Mitts and the difference is black and white. I really didn't have to do much. I'm sure you are looking forward to his honorable return as my family is looking towards my return on Tuesday. I love being a missionary and will be forever greatful for the blessing of serving a mission.
Best wishes,
Elder Lieberum

6/8/13 from Sis Ruch

Let me explain the two pictures here of your missionary. First the one of Sister Williams, Elder Walker (the zone leader) and Sister Hehl I with the Grand Bar. This is my tradition for when a new missionary comes to my ward I give this to them reminding then we expect grand things because we know they are grand. Elder Walker having just been in my ward was now making history by passing a bar to the new sisters. My ward, Westpark, has never had sisters so I am in hope of getting to go out with them sometime. The second picture is of the group after dinner, of BLT, chips, and dessert, and before we had prayer. Just know each is loved as I look forward to getting to know each all the better. 

From left to right: Elder Bottorff. Elder Walker, (from the singles ward)  Sister Williams, Sister Hehl, (from Westpark Ward) Elder Mitts, Elder Morgan (from the Oakcreek Ward)  and the senior couple is Elder and Sister Davis (also from the Westpark Ward)
Bobi Rush

6/13/13 from Elder Mitts

I love getting stuff in the mail and email so send the love both ways, i sent a letter but I am going to update you probably before it gets to you. 

I am so excited to get my Greenie tomorrow, and quite sad to see Elder Lieberum go home, but i have his address and email so we will keep in touch. it is true what they say, that you will forever remember your first companion, i cant believe it is already done, my training is over and now i will be training...

My district is going to be interesting, it is 2 wards, and it consists of Me and my trainee, a sister Risley, and her new Trainee she will be getting tomorrow, a sister Williams, and her new Trainee she's getting tomorrow, and a senior couple, the Davis's. It is definitely going to be some interesting District Meetings that I get to lead.

They are splitting my area to make room for the new Sister Missionaries, Sister Risley and her trainee, so it will be interesting how they do it because it is super lopsided, there are a lot more people on the top half, (which is where the sisters are supposed to be) then the bottom.

I am back on bike tomorrow, my back has been feeling better, so hopefully with those stretches i have been doing it wont be a problem. One of our Investigators got a Temporary Job till the end of this month so we are not sure when she is going to want to meet again, she is really busy right now. the other is steadily progressing, and is meeting with us at least 1 time a week, sometimes 2 or 3, and she takes the sacrament every week.

My Testimony has grown so much since i have come out here, I am so glad that I am here doing the Lord's work.

I Know that the Book of Mormon is God's word, that he brought this amazing work to pass so that we might all return to live with him at the end of our days here on earth, and what a glorious day that will be when we can stand before God with our eyes beaming and our countenances bright, and here him say Well done, thou good and faithful servant.

I know that Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, that he restored this church, which is the TRUE Church of Jesus Christ, in these the Latter Days. I know that Thomas S Monson is God's Prophet today, and leads this church by revelation, and that Christ is the Head of this church, not any man. I am so greatful to all of my Family and Friends for all of their support, I could not have done it without you. I love you all!
Elder Mitts

6/3/13 from Sis. Rush

Last night I had the joy of having your sons in for ice cream. With Elders Lee and Lieberum returning home tomorrow and now Elders Walker and Winters being transfered this was our way of saving you have been so appreciated. After all the fun I had each bear his testimony and let me just say this was one of the most tender as well as spiritual moments ever. One singing, some short, some longer but each so strong in what they know to be true. So I thank each of you for raising wonderful sons and even more tenter is the right choices they are making with their life.